
Tuesday, April 30, 2024

PROMO: Selena Flowers and the Cursed Ruby



The Merblood Saga Book 1

Middle-Grade Fantasy

Date Published: April 30, 2024



When the Tide Turns, the Merblood Rises...

In the quaint, windswept town of Madderly Bay, twelve-year-old Selena Flowers' dream of a peaceful life shatters as an eerie voice echoes in her mind, a reminder of the nightmarish encounter that awaits her beneath the waves: "Just relax. You can breathe easily. I’ve got total control over you."

Selena, newly arrived from the bustling streets of London, finds herself in a gothic mansion teetering on the edge of a coastal cliff, her mother Fiona's strange inheritance. But their new beginning turns into a chilling adventure when an undead mermaid, Faustina, crashes through Selena's window, heralding a descent into a dark, hidden world.

The once thriving zombie merkingdom beneath Madderly Bay, now a forgotten abyss, is Faustina's haunting domain. Cursed to eternal youth, this zombie mermaid queen is driven by a lonely, venomous desire to expand her ghostly army. When Fiona begins to show signs of a ghastly transformation, Selena knows the curse has found its newest victim.

Faustina's power stems from a mysterious ruby necklace, an artifact of untold magic and menace. Its dark magic can turn the tide of fate, offering salvation or doom. As Selena grapples with bullies at her new school and the complexities of a small town riddled with secrets, the necklace becomes her only hope to save her mother from a watery, undead fate.

With the help of her new friend Chloe, Selena embarks on a perilous quest to uncover the necklace's hidden past and its current whereabouts. The journey takes her deeper into Faustina's world—a world of betrayal, ancient curses, and underwater lairs.

As the clock ticks and Fiona's transformation accelerates, Selena must confront her deepest fears. Plunging into the murky depths, she faces off against Faustina in a heart-stopping struggle for the necklace. In this underwater chess game, every move could be her last. Will Selena retrieve the necklace and reverse the curse, or will she become another lost soul in Faustina's mermaid kingdom?

As Selena's story unfolds, she discovers that the true power lies not in a ruby's glow, but in the strength of her own heart. In a final, breathtaking climax, Selena must decide the fate of the necklace, balancing the weight of its power against the safety of those she loves.

"Selena Flowers and the Cursed Ruby" is a tale of magic, courage, and the unbreakable bonds of family. It is a story that reminds us that even in our darkest hours, there is always a glimmer of hope.

...For in the Depths of Despair, a Hero Rises.

About the Author

Ella English is a British author and illustrator who swapped afternoon tea for lattes to go when she moved from London to Baltimore, USA 23 years ago. She writes children's books, including the beloved Kitty in the City chapter book series about a singing cat in Manhattan, as well as the Merblood Saga which deals with magic and mermaids in Madderly Bay.

The inspiration for the Merblood Saga can be traced back to Ella's childhood holidays on the Kent Coast in the UK. With massive waves crashing against the seawall and the occasional freak wave pulling unsuspecting beachgoers into the water, young Ella's imagination ran wild. She began to wonder if a hidden community of mystical mermaids could be living beneath the surface, their lives intertwined with the ebb and flow of the tides.

Years later, those childhood musings have transformed into a middle grade series that will enchant readers. The Merblood Saga brings the magic of Ella's coastal daydreams to life, inviting readers to dive into a world where mermaids are real and adventure lurks beneath the waves.


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PROMO: Lord of Storms



Dark Fantasy, Capture Fantasy, Action Adventure

Date Published: May 3, 2024



Advertising executive by day and novelist by night Gray Stewart has retreated to the country for a much-needed vacation.  She’s at the top of a mountain when lightning threatens to fry her to a crisp.  She finds shelter with a mysterious man who goes only by Rowan.

Rowan is the Lord of Storms, a super-human being who has power to minimize the damage of dangerous storms.  He works in secret, and his female visitor is a threat to that secrecy.  She’s also a threat to his equilibrium because as long as she’s around, his thoughts keep straying to sex… and love.




Gray Stewart had reached the top of the world. Okay, she was only up about nine thousand feet, but her heart still raced from the climb, and her lungs were working overtime to suck in oxygen. She’d made it all the way to the top of Mount Richardson, the tallest peak in this part of California, and if she could breathe, the view would steal her breath away. Wait ‘til she told the wiseasses back at the office she’d mastered the climb. None of the macho types who treated women like weaklings could have kept up with her.

She broke out her water bottle and took a swig and swung her small backpack off her shoulder onto the granite beneath her. Then, she sat, crossing her legs. The beautiful ham and Swiss sandwich the inn’s restaurant had made for her beckoned. She removed the plastic wrap and took a bite. With the tomato from the farmer’s market in the inn’s parking lot, nothing had ever tasted so delicious. In fact, the water tasted pretty damned amazing, too. Maybe she’d give up coffee.

No reason to get crazy about this, though. Pretty soon she’d be back in the city where you needed caffeine to face the morning. For now, she could gaze into the valley far below… at the tall pine trees that now appeared the size of toys for a model train set and the river shrunk to no more than a ribbon winding between rows of wine grapes.

A couple of days in the country, and her head was starting to straighten out. She’d left home for college, and for a little hick girl from a tiny town, that had been a shock. But then, she’d found the chance job of a lifetime as a professional writer. So, her art consisted of convincing people that Gloryshine toothpaste could give them a dazzling smile. Big deal. She made a good income at that and wrote the great American novel at night. Her life ought to be perfect. So, why wasn’t it?

She continued eating and feeling sorry for herself until she’d devoured the sandwich. Then, she pulled her knees up to her chest and rested her arms on them as she studied the beauty of nature. Unless… wait a minute… was that a… Lord no, please… a thunderstorm in the distance? Maybe it was travelling away from her. Lightning flashed, and she started counting the seconds before the thunder. It took some time and wasn’t particularly loud. A good sign.

Another flash, and this time the thunder came quicker. And louder. So, the storm was headed her way, after all. She was sitting at the very top of a tall mountain with no trees around her -- just like a lightning rod waiting to be hit.

Then, the wind whipped up, and clouds gathered. More lightning, followed by more thunder, now really loud. She had to get away from here and fast.

She scrambled to her feet and grabbed her pack before heading in any direction as long as it was down. Even city people knew you didn’t want to be the tallest thing around when lightning was looking for something to hit. She was moving too fast for the terrain, which you couldn’t call a path. Rocks underfoot threatened to trip her, and the gravel was even more uncertain. The rain started, slapping her in the face, blurring her vision, but she kept going. That blasted storm was chasing her, and either she reached safety, or she could get fried.

Her backpack slipped from her hand, taking her phone and the keys to the rental car with it. She kept going, jumping over obstacles and skidding in places. The way got steeper, and remaining upright took all her effort, and all the while, the booming got louder. How much longer before the spears of lightning would overtake her? In the end, something caught her foot and she fell.

Attempting to catch herself with outstretched arms only caused her to turn sideways and roll. Sky, dirt, sky, dirt. So fast she couldn’t tell up from down. Something sharp bit into her arm as she kept spinning down the side of the mountain. Lord help her if there was a cliff ahead because she’d never stop.

But she did stop. Suddenly, something dug into her side -- a boot, of all things. And it belonged to a man. From where she lay, he seemed as tall as a pine and as fierce as a bird of prey.

“What kind of idiot climbs to the top of this mountain ahead of a thunderstorm?” he said.

“Who in hell are you?” she said right back.

“Never mind. You’d better come with me.” He bent and scooped her up as if she weighed nothing at all. That was her last thought before the world went dark.


About the Author

USA Today best-selling author Alice Gaines has published several sensuous and erotic works. She prefers stories that stretch the imagination, highlighting the power of love and sex. Alice has a Ph.D. in psychology from U. C. Berkeley and lives in Oakland, California, where she sings in her church choir.

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Monday, April 29, 2024

PROMO: 800 Sayings By Old Folks Who Raised Us



Date Published: 07-08-2021

Publisher: Pageturner Press and Media


The parents and grandparents of William Rocky Brown, 3rd, who raised him, had roots in the southern USA. Along with that Southern upbringing came the ability to turn everyday activities or things of nature into wise sayings. His mother and grandmother had old down-home sayings that took him a while to understand. After talking to others, he realized he wasn’t alone in this beautiful experience growing up, so he compiled the wise sayings in his book, 800 Sayings by Old Folks Who Raised Us.

The wise sayings—to be passed down from generation to generation—in this book are pearls of wisdom that relate to the past generations, while the present and future generations may take time to understand, just as Brown experienced. It creates good family fun and memories. It can also be used in the form of an intergenerational family game. 



Let me begin by saying that God is the Head of my life, Jesus is my Savior and the Holy Spirit is my Comforter.

Our parents or grandparents, who had roots in the South, raised many of us. Now, along with that Southern raising came the ability to take every day activities or things of nature and turn them into wise sayings. My mother was from Greenville, North Carolina and my grandmother who raised me was from Mobile, Alabama. They both had old sayings from ‘Down Home’ that took me a while to really understand what they were saying. After talking to others, I realized that I wasn’t the only one who had this wonderful experience growing up, so I decided to compile these 800 sayings.

It is my hope that they will bring you fond memories and laughter and you will share them with your children and grandchildren.

This book is dedicated to my mother Gwendolyn Regina Carraway Brown and my grandmothers: Ethel-Mae Knight Brown (Mother-dear), Halease Moore Wooten-Reid and my great-grandmothers Willie-Mae Knight and Carrie Skipper. My grand’s are the women on the cover and that’s me at 2 months old. (By the way, that’s a design on the chair and not a ribbon in my hair. lol)

Special thanks to my friend Ellen Graham, my Bethany Baptist Church members, my Facebook friends and the contributions I found that were posted on the internet by others who also enjoy these sayings.


Enjoy my friends!

WRB, 3rd


About the Author

The Honorable Reverend Dr. William Lewis Rocky Brown, 3rd, was born and raised in Chester, PA. He has three daughters and three grandchildren. Dr. Brown received his Bachelor’s from Cheyney University, his Master’s from Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary, and a Doctorate from Jameson Christian College. He studied at the MLK Jr. Center in Atlanta and the University of the Virgin Islands and completed The F.B.I. and D.E.A. Citizens Academies.

Dr. Brown is an ordained 45-year Baptist Minister now serving at the Bethany Baptist Church in Chester, creator and host of Saturday Night Live Prayer & Praise Weekly Service, and a Master Police Chaplain. He’s also the author of “800 Sayings By Old Folks Who Raised Us” and The 3N1: A Trilogy Of Spiritually Filled Motivational Messages”. He has a weekly column in Scoop USA and a daily Blog on his website: In the 80s and 90s, he traveled around the country, motivating youngsters to stay in school and to say no to drugs and violence, using the art of Rap. Thus, he was affectionately known as the “Rappin Rev.” He is a former elected member of the City Council of Chester. He was also elected twice as Chester City Controller and was elected in 2021 as a Pennsylvania State Constable.

Dr. Brown has been involved in numerous community and civic organizations. He is a Prince Hall 33-degree Mason, Past Master, Grand Chaplain Emeritus, Past Grand Worthy Patron, and an Elks and Omega Psi Phi Fraternity member. He has received over 200 awards and commendations.


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PROMO: Opium et Moi





Every perfume is a unique work of art, no different than a piece of music or a painting in its ability to evoke feelings in its audience. In 1976, Yves Saint Laurent fell in love with the idea of creating a new perfume that would convey the lush, sensual mood of the name he had already chosen, OPIUM.

Working with Yves, his personal and business partner Pierre, and so many others in the world of high fashion and fragrance could be exhilarating, infuriating, and often, a simmering pot-au-feu threatening to boil over. This narrative takes you behind the scenes, providing a glimpse of that fascinating world and the people who kept it spinning.

It is a highly personal story, and one I know well. It is my story.

About the Author

As a young boy, I was always absorbed in books about history—particularly that of the United States—and geography, yet still managed a healthy appetite of sports and a weekly outing to see the latest cowboy or adventure movie. Later, I was exposed to the Broadway stage and developed a great fondness for musical theater, at one point picturing it as a future career choice. But alas, as I grew older and realized I was not that talented, I became more serious about the future.

Fortunately, I wound up in a creative segment of the business world, which provided me the opportunity to travel the globe and stimulated my interest in world history. It also opened avenues into entertainment and politics. I found a home in the fashion industry and served as President of Charles of the Ritz Group, Ltd., then a wholly owned subsidiary of Squibb Corporation, where I also served on its Board of Directors. Here, I was deeply involved with well-known fashion designers, Yves Saint Laurent and Gianni Versace; Hollywood stars, Linda Evans and John Forsythe; and because of the success of the perfume, Opium, wound up in Washington meeting with senators, representatives and administration officials to obtain relief from gray market goods flooding the United States in the early 1980’s.

After my retirement, I wrote two novels based on my many years of experience in the fashion industry, and continually pursued my interest in history. Following a short break to write a non-fiction book on the relationship of taxes and jobs, I spent much of my time these past several years studying the biblical account of the rise of Christianity from the varying narratives of religion, history and archaeology. The results of that research were a source of information and inspiration for my wife, Leslie Schweitzer Miller, in writing her first novel, DISCOVERY.

Now my interest is in public policy on issues that affect the United States such as healthcare, taxes, job creation and foreign affairs, about which I will be commenting periodically.


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Blog Tour: Soft Lies & Hard Truths

California Heart Series, Book 3


Contemporary Romance

Date Published: 04-17-2024

Publisher: The Wild Rose Press


Heartbroken and mortified by mean-spirited taunts and social media pictures of her looking like a hot mess at her ex-boyfriend’s wedding, Leah James decides to accept her friend, Miguel Montoya’s, offer to take a road trip to their hometown of Santa Lorena.

Miguel, ex-Marine turned fitness trainer, is done pretending that he doesn’t have strong feelings for Leah. From the moment he laid eyes on her, he knew she was the one, and now this trip provides the perfect opportunity to take their relationship to the next level.

Will shocking lies, deceits, and half-truths dampen the fiery sparks of passion that ignite when Leah and Miguel are forced to share a cozy honeymoon cottage, or will they overcome their fears and build a brighter future based on honesty and love?


“I have a suite at the inn. Come home with me.”

Her eyes narrow as she shakes her head. “I couldn’t inconvenience you.” She runs a finger through her hair. “I don’t want to be a nuisance. I’ll figure something out, even if I don’t know what it is yet.” Her voice trembles even though she sounds determined.

“You could never be a nuisance. I’m staying in a cottage. It’s big enough for two people.” I quickly decide not to mention that it’s the honeymoon cottage; I don’t want her to think I’m trying to make a move on her when she’s vulnerable. “I promise you that the place is spacious.” I notice the shadows under her eyes, and the faint scattering of freckles across her nose. “Say yes.”

“Okay. I’ll do it.” Her head falls back against the seat. “I’ll stay for one night. I need time away from the situation at my father’s house. A good night’s sleep won’t hurt either.”

“No problem.” Leah in the honeymoon cottage; that’s what I call temptation. It’s going to be one long night and a true test of my willpower. She doesn’t suspect that she stole my heart almost twenty years ago and there’s never been anyone else. Is this the time to come clean and let her know that my interest in her isn’t platonic?

About the Author

Dalia Dupris has been a book lover as long as she can remember. Dalia’s BA in English Literature from UCLA and Master’s degree in Social Work, from the University of Southern California, in addition to years of experience as a licensed psychotherapist, contribute to her creation of relatable and complex characters.

In her spare time, she enjoys bike riding along the California coast with her husband, and hiking with her daughter. She loves hearing from her readers. Their words of encouragement inspire her to continue creating memorable characters, who will make you laugh and cry and keep rooting for them until the very last page. Subscribe to her website for a chance to learn more about Dalia and her books.


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Sunday, April 28, 2024

PROMO: The Dove That Didn't Return



Date Published: May 21, 2024

Publisher: Holy Cow! Press


A poet and female commander in the Israeli Defense Forces creates an original perspective from the war-torn front lines of the Middle East conflict.

The Dove That Didn’t Return tackles the canon of war poetry, an almost exclusively male-penned body of poems. In the book, biblical stories, verses, and fragments are rewritten through the eyes of a female lieutenant in the Israeli Army. It is a contemporary poetics on the revelations of war from an Israeli perspective never before told—a woman, and a soldier at that.

This debut full-length collection follows upon the publication of her critically acclaimed chapbook, Between Sanctity and Sand, from Finishing Line Press.


About the Author

Yael S. Hacohen earned a Ph.D. at UC Berkeley. She has received research/teaching fellowships from Tel Aviv University and Bar Ilan University. She has an MFA in Poetry from New York University, where she was an NYU Veterans Workshop Fellow, International Editor at Washington Square Literary Review, and Editor-in-Chief at Nine Lines Literary Review. Her work has been featured or is forthcoming in The Poetry Review, Ploughshares, The Missouri Review, Bellevue Literary Review, LIT, Prairie Schooner, New York Quarterly Magazine, Colorado Review, and many more. Hacohen published her chapbook Between Sanctity and Sand with Finishing Line Press in 2021. Hacohen served as a lieutenant in the 162nd Armored Division of the Israeli Defense Forces. She lives with her family in Tel Aviv, Israel.


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Friday, April 26, 2024

Blog Tour: Bone (& Body) Lessons


Culture, Measurement, and Language


Nonfiction / Language and Physiology

Date Published: December 6, 2023

Publisher: Mindstir Media


One way to understand self is through the skeletal frame. Skeletal bones hold many secrets which can be unlocked to tell stories of humankind; they become lessons for life. This book provides four perspectives on bone: culture, measurement of bones and body postures, grammar, and bone names. Word roots and definitions related to bone vocabulary allow the reader to gain insight. A major theme is to know oneself-to develop self-awareness. What can a person learn about self from bones? This book accompanies each person on their quest to know themselves, whether or not on a conscious or subconscious level. The current popularity of DNA kits that are being sold today-as well as the many websites offering assistance to people delving into their ancestry-validate this. Whether it is to delve into possible hereditary health conditions or to locate relatives and forge a connectedness to others in the world around them, people want to learn more about themselves. Bones provide such framework, for body and self.

About the Author

Lois Liggett is a retired physical therapist and a world traveler. She worked in Japan in 1990 as a geriatric rehabilitation consultant. She has an M.A. in gerontology and a B.S. in physical therapy from Russell Sage College. She has an avid interest in the interface of language with mythology, religion, and spirituality. She developed a method she calls “spiritual linguistics” to find common and essential meanings of a nomenclature using word roots and definitions. Her first book, Decoding Norse Myths with Pet Ravens, published by Mindstir Media, LLC in 2021, reflects this linguistic method, as does this book, Bone (& Body) Lessons.


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Thursday, April 25, 2024

PROMO: Playing to Win


A Chandler Billionaire Romance, Book 1

Contemporary Romance

Date Published:  March 2024


Every male in the family has scaled the marriage mountain only to take catastrophic tumbles.

They’ve dubbed it The Chandler Curse.

Angel Harris has been sitting on the sidelines since her husband’s death three years ago. Her long-held dream of having a family of her own is slipping away because grief left her frozen in time.

Winston Chandler will do anything for his friend and business partner’s widow. By helping her move forward, perhaps the survivor’s guilt he suffers because of his friend’s death will ease. He believes a makeover will show both Angel and others an external transformation has taken place.

Trouble is, he’s too good at the job. Win is drawn to Angel 2.0. They cross the friend line, but Winn isn’t the man to complete the perfect life she envisions. Chandlers and romance are a volatile mix that end in one way. Disaster.

What will it take for Winn to challenge his family’s legacy of failure and conquer The Chandler Curse?

Celebrating family, friendships, and the power of love. Stories with heart, heat, and humor.



*Playing to Win is the first book in A Chandler Billionaire Romance series. All the books have interconnected characters, no cliffhangers, happily ever afters, and can be read as standalones.

*A billionaire, fake dating, friends to lovers, forced proximity, forbidden romance.


About the Author

Lynn Mapp is a daughter, sister, friend, wife, mother, teacher, writer...obviously a multi-faceted diamond, princess cut.

Lynn was a navy brat, born in San Diego, California. While she was born in California, her Idaho roots are deep. Her mother and grandfather were Idaho natives.

She has always looked for happily ever afters, the light after the darkness. Families and humor are central in her life and her stories.

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Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Blog Tour: A Gift From God



Christian Children's Book

Date Published: March 19, 2024

Baby Joan explores her vast potential in a world new to her. Teeming with challenges (not for the faint of heart) nature calls her to action! Armed with courage and called by God, Joan learns what matters most. Throughout her creative adventures she learns the value of life and that all along, she was loved right where she was.

Originally written as a poem, A Gift from God comforts many families suffering loss. Now available as a children's book, this precious addition offers illustrations that capture the beauty of life through the eyes of a child.

Dedicated to our our baby: Joan Estelle Dwyer

A Gift From God is proof of Joan's life on earth, the human experience she shared, and the way she changed the world for the better.

About the Author

Hello, friends! My name is Jacob Dwyer. I’ve enjoyed a wide range of hobbies over the years, but I never thought I would be a published children’s book author. My journey into storytelling was sparked by inspiration during what my wife and I consider the worst season of our lives. It is the single most character defining event of my life so, in a way, sharing this book is like sharing a piece of myself.

Currently blessed with my wife Ashley, and our second daughter, Genevieve, I am humbled by God’s love for me. As a paramedic by trade and a friend at heart, I hope to model a spirit of faith and healing; for we are not meant to live life alone.

If you want to hear our full story or would like to share yours, reach out at


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Tuesday, April 23, 2024

PROMO: Susie Drake and the Stolen Memories



Date Published: 01-06-2024

Publisher: 44th Morning LLC


Haunted by insurmountable grief, the nearly indestructible Susie Drake temporarily sacrifices all memories of her human friends. Unbeknownst to her, Ren Pith, a semi-immortal plagued by seizures and OCD, snatches her remembrances in pursuit of a time traveler, with the hope of rewriting the past.

Meanwhile, recruited by the grandchildren of her forgotten friends, Susie confronts a murder investigation intertwined with her purloined past and teams up with a private eye to unravel a perplexing link between her stolen recollections and a man who taunted her nearly a century prior. Racing against the possibility of total memory loss, Susie and the detective navigate time and space to follow a lead and venture into the future of an alternate Earth.

Susie’s quest intertwines self-discovery, justice, and a high-stakes race into a tangled web bridging past, present, and parallel worlds.

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