
Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Blog Tour: Blues Jam


Fiction / Coming of Age

Date Published: June 10, 2024


A young woman battles loss and addiction growing up in Saint Paul and finds her way to live her dream of becoming a Blues drummer.


From the Book:

“You know kid, I don’t play drums, but I can tell if you can,” he said.

About the Author

Stephen was born and raised in Henderson, NY. He moved to Saint Paul, MN to attend Hamline University. After working a variety of jobs, he began a career as a computer programmer. An interest in writing words preceded his interest in writing code.


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RABT Book Tours & PR

Blog Tour: In Darkness



Date Published: September 16, 2024


Try not to wonder what secret darkness your neighbors or classmates hold in their hearts for you. 

It’s about the hidden dark thoughts that all of us think every day. Most of us would never act on them, we’re not sociopaths, but what if there was a circumstance where through supernatural intervention, you couldn’t help but act on those hidden desires? That’s what IN DARKNESS is about, the lethality in those hidden, benign shadows that some of our thoughts live inside.

Dark thoughts, like cream, will always rise to the top at the wrong moment.


It had been over two hundred years since the original founders of Creeks Manor had moved sixty miles west of the Hudson River, four families coming out of Newburgh, to start a small, independent farming community. The town grew over the years as families celebrated new generations which gave birth to new farms and so on until they formed a local and simple government, mostly meant to help keep trade between clans healthy and mutually agreeable. It wasn’t until the late Nineteenth century that people down in New York City made Sullivan County the best kept secret just a hundred miles north, but it didn’t stay quiet for long. With the exponential growth of the automobile industry, the trip north became accessible to many more people. Farming was still a thriving business in the region, but tourism was fast becoming a solid source of income. With a growing local population and an even greater influx of visitors, a variety of businesses started to sprout up in the form of bars, restaurants, movie theatres, hotels, antique stores and of course, gas stations. The tiny farming community of less than five hundred in the late nineteenth century, swelled to a permanent resident population of almost ten thousand by the Nineteen-Seventies. Currently, the oldest residents of Creeks Manor refer to it fondly as a ‘big, little town’, while most of the population under the age of thirty like to refer to it as a ‘dead-fucking-end’.

Up until the late Seventies, the whole area was thriving; a destination vacation for those in the city who wanted to trade humidity and the aromas of the concrete jungle for some pure country air. There was a vast array of summer amenities to enjoy at one of the dozens of large, all-inclusive hotels that nestled into the Catskill Mountains. The heyday lasted for a bit, but once travel to Europe became more affordable, less and less people cared about all you can eat buffet resorts, and tourism in the whole area began its slow march toward death.

Presently, the population of Creeks Manor is Nine-thousand, eight hundred and seventy-six, up three percent from pre-pandemic levels, driven by city people who grew tired of being locked down in tiny apartments. There’s a high school which services the kids from Creeks Manor as well as its surrounding hamlets and even though the school only boasts Five-hundred and forty-one students, there’s a football field, softball field and Starbucks, which is not officially part of the sports complex, but it is right next door.

Main Street is the central artery of Creeks Manor, starting (or ending, depending on your perspective) way up on the top of Youngs’ Hill at the northern end of town (affectionately known by locals as “the Hill”) and winding its way down past thick stands of trees before the road becomes a straight line after the Arco station. The meandering route flows past about a half-mile of quaint houses with well-kept lawns and American flags waving on their porches. The homes give way to what used to be a bustling, thriving and quaint village. There are several shops that are still in operation though they are far outnumbered by the many storefronts that have been dark for quite a while now. Main Street runs by the Dairy Queen which has been shuttered for years, the parking lot in back becoming a favorite spot for the town’s bustling Meth trade. The graves of the Creeks Manor Cemetery lean like jagged, grey teeth, terraced into the hill above the lot, hanging over the meth-heads like a warning, or perhaps like a loving mother, arms open in anticipation of the inevitable embrace.

Further down Main Street, beyond the Dairy Queen, is the movie theatre (a triplex), the Crafts store, the Falls Motel with its broken neon vacancy sign, and finally the Holiday Inn and the adjacent Square Circle Diner. After that, Main Street dead ends into the service road for Route Eighty-Six marking the unofficial end of town. From here, you can look north and see all the way back up to the start of Main Street at the top of the Hill, and right there at the crest is the silhouette of The Manor standing as silent sentry against the country sky.

About the Author

Russell Rothberg has worked in television as a writer and Executive Producer for the Peacock series, Long Bright River, based on the bestselling novel, as well as for the Paramount+ series The Offer.  Before returning to his roots as a writer, Russell was the Executive VP of Drama Development at Universal Television, where he developed series such as Bates Motel, Chicago Fire, Shades of Blue and Emerald City.  Russell started his career as an actor-writer-director with an original play, Life After Death, at the Intar Theatre in NYC. Born and raised in New York City, Russell currently lives in Los Angeles with his wife, Vera. In Darkness is his first novel.


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RABT Book Tours & PR

PROMO: Lead Like a Bodyguard


Fifty Two Timeless Leadership Lessons


Business Nonfiction / Christian

Date Published: September 11, 2024



Discover important lessons on leadership and life from one of the Bible's most inspiring figures, Nehemiah.

Does this sound familiar? A leadership opportunity is presenting itself, but you feel it's unlikely that you're the best fit. Perhaps you are new to leadership, have plateaued in your position, or have doubts about your role or line of work.

Whether in your family, church, coaching, volunteer organization, or business, leading is never easy, but there is guidance that can make a world of difference.

There was once an ancient bodyguard serving the most powerful man in the world who unexpectedly found himself called to spearhead a massive project nine hundred miles from his home. His otherwise stable existence was shattered by news that changed his life and the destinies of thousands. This humble bodyguard servant was Nehemiah.

Nehemiah's story will fascinate, energize, and inspire you to decipher the leadership puzzle with vigor. Lead Like a Bodyguard will become your wise and indispensable companion for the journey ahead, combining dramatized depictions of his story with deep and insightful analysis in the form of 52 Bodyguard Leadership Tactics.

Let Nehemiah show you how to take the lead!

About the Author

Dr. Don Mark Hamilton is an ordinary person called by God to do uncommon things. Don served thirty-eight years at a church he re-planted, watching it grow and thrive throughout his tenure. Vibrant church highly impacted the entire central Pennsylvania region through deep community involvement and creating a large campus and programs designed to bless the community, especially those with special needs. The congregation partnered to start over twenty new churches both domestically and internationally. Don serves on numerous boards of directors and in leadership positions for conferences and various non-profit organizations. As a dedicated blogger, Don’s weekly anecdotes are read by thousands of readers. He is now a speaker, blogger, author, and consultant for churches and non-profits. Don lives in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania.


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RABT Book Tours & PR

PROMO: Dark Legion



Dark Fantasy, Romance, Horror

Date Published: October 18, 2024



Darkness is falling...

Things at Woods University are not what they seem. When Joey Sumner's roommate Maria joins the growing ranks of blazer-wearing supergeeks who roam the campus in emotionless packs, Joey begins to think she has a problem. Then Joey stumbles upon a secret ritual being performed on campus, and her world is turned upside down. Joey and her boyfriend Will are forced to fight for their lives against an ancient evil cult that is preying on the student body. To make matters worse, their boss is one of them, and his obsession for Joey goes way beyond thinking she has a cute ass...


Evil is growing...

A year after the mysterious death of her husband Terrence, Ada Ross is still seeking answers. When handsome detective Eric Perfater comes back into her life offering a chance to unravel the mystery of her husband's demise, Ada is more than ready to help. She's also willing to throw off her endless loneliness and wantonly offer herself to sexy Eric in bed... But a dark shadow falls across their chance at happiness. Ada is a pawn in a desperate man's ploy to hang onto the past and take control of a secret society whose very existence threatens the entire world.

Can the forces of evil's hungry claws be defeated? Or will they all be consumed by the Dark Legion?


Publisher's Note: This duet contains the previously published novellas Legion: University and Legion: Adult Education.





Excerpt from University

"You're late, G.I. Jane." Will Martin winked at her as she walked into the lab where they worked together and pulled the backpack from her shoulder.

Joey grinned at him, a big stupid grin no doubt, but she didn't care.

With his golden skin, sun-streaked hair and powerful body, Will was nobody's idea of a geeky scientist. Tall, handsome, with a bold nose, a sexy mouth and dark blue eyes that could glitter with humor or darken to the color of a stormy sea. Joey had never seen such a perfect blend of beauty and intelligence in any other man. In the realm of science there was no challenge he wouldn't take on, no subject he wouldn't tackle. Even Joey with her very limited knowledge of virology knew that Will was well on his way to making a difference in the world. It wouldn't surprise her if he were the one to someday find a cure for the AIDS virus, ending the suffering and death of millions. She had that much faith in him.

His brilliant mind fascinated her almost as much as his hot, muscular body and that was saying a lot. How many times had she satisfied herself while thinking about Will? How many late night dreams had he haunted? The touch of his rough hands on her aching breasts always felt so real in her dreams, so good. She'd swear that the solid length of his body between her thighs, the sensual glide of his cock in and out of her slick, ready passage were a reality while she was dreaming.

Until she woke up in a sweaty tangle of bed sheets. After several seconds of swearing and sometimes several more seconds with her vibrator, she could usually get back to sleep. But not always. Sometimes she'd lie there and think of clever ways to ask him out. A couple of times she even meant to carry out her plans to ask him out to dinner, then maybe even ask him to her bed. But she always chickened out at the last moment.

Joey grabbed her lab coat from its peg on the wall and watched Will as she slipped it on. Will had no idea that she was totally infatuated with him and she was afraid to make a move. They worked together after all. He was a brilliant scientist. She was just a girl who'd gone into the army to pay for college on the G.I. Bill and was now a way-older-than-average freshman. Joey continued to watch him as he scribbled notes on a steno pad and peered into the microscope before him, his muscular upper body straining against the lab coat he wore. How could someone like her ever hope to get the attention of someone like him?

"That's new." Dr. Rafe Bowen caught her off guard. Hooking the golden charm bracelet that circled her wrist with a long finger, he pulled her arm up to scrutinize it before releasing her.

"Yes," she said, recovering from the start. "It was a gift."

"From whom?" he asked in his clipped British accent, his hazel eyes watching her intently.

Her eyes darted to Will. But he didn't appear to be paying attention to their conversation. Damn him! "My sister," Joey answered blandly.

Rafe Bowen nodded, but continued to gaze at her speculatively. Rafe was her supervisor in the lab. He was a handsome man with his chestnut hair and well-defined, cultured features. He wasn't as tall as Will, his build average. From what little she knew of him he was probably in his early forties but he looked remarkably young for his age. He could pass for someone in his early thirties easily. It helped that he was easy to work for and generous with his time. He taught several virology courses in addition to his research.

Joey had long suspected that her boss had more than a passing interest in her. Rafe would stare at her when he thought she wasn't looking and it made Joey pretty damned uncomfortable. He'd always insisted that she call him by his given name, though she never had. But he'd given her a job when she'd given up hope of finding one. That alone had made her first year at Woods University much easier than it could have been for a twenty-five-year-old freshman.

"Why are you two here?" he asked, frowning.

Joey exchanged a glance with Will and let him answer.

"Next week is spring break," Will pointed out. "If we don't run the analysis on the Aspergillus cultures now, we'll lose them. They won't be any good when we get back."

Joey couldn't help with the analysis, wouldn't know how. She knew that Aspergillus was a mold and a respiratory allergen but that was about it.

But the money sure would come in handy.

"What about tomorrow and Friday?"

"Exams," Will and Joey answered in unison.

Rafe blew out a frustrated sigh. "You're not staying long. I have to be at a meeting in an hour."

"We'll lock up," Will assured him.

Joey's heart began thumping in earnest. Alone with Will Martin? Oh, yes, that would be fine.

Rafe's expression grew darker. It wasn't like him.

"You'll leave when I do," he said curtly. When it appeared Will was about to say something else, he added, "End of discussion."

Will's gaze followed him as Rafe marched to his office and closed the door behind him. He shook his head, giving Joey a sardonic half smile.

"What crawled up his ass today?" Will glanced up at the lab's clock, prompting her to do the same. It was five minutes to six in the evening. "Want to get started on prep?"

Joey nodded and walked to the autoclave on the counter opposite the lab door. Pulling open the door, she frowned when she found it empty.

"Crap! Someone took all the instruments I autoclaved last night," Joey grumbled. How would they have time to do anything now if she had to sterilize more instruments?

Will glanced over his shoulder at her but didn't seem concerned. "Turner probably took them for his class, that lazy asshole. Just sterilize some more. We've got time."

Joey motioned toward Rafe's office with her thumb.

"Let me worry about him." Will waved her on.

When Joey hesitated he smiled, a flash of white teeth. Her nipples tightened to hard little points in an instant.

"Go on." He motioned her to continue with her work. "How's your French class going?"

I know all the dirty words. I could recite them for you.

"I'm doing okay." Wasn't that a waste of a good conversation opener? Think! "I've really enjoyed the biology labs. The experiments have been very interesting."

"Yeah?" Will's back was to her. He kept right on with his work. "Which ones interested you the most?"

Her mind went blank. That would teach her to use something she had little interest in to get his attention. Shit! "The genetics experiments," she finally answered. She knew there had been a couple.

"I think the corn genetics experiment is the best that they offer." He paused a moment as he read over his notes. "Morten had a good idea there. Students get to germinate and grow F2 corn seeds and determine the inheritance pattern of the albino trait and what the P and F2 generations' genotypes must have been. Did you like that one?"

"I did." Joey remembered it anyway.

"We might make a scientist out of you yet." Will peered at her over his shoulder. "What are your plans for your time here? I don't think I've ever asked you that."

Her mouth went dry.

To jump your bones?


About the Author

Isabella Jordan is the alter ego of an otherwise stressed out web designer, programmer, and internet junkie. When she's not trying to perfect her own personal caffeine IV drip, she enjoys spending time with her family, doing volunteer work, and writing. She loves creating new stories of all kinds and chatting with readers and friends.

Isabella would love to hear from her readers!


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Publisher on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok: @changelingpress


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RABT Book Tours & PR

Monday, October 14, 2024

Blog Tour: Making Up Stories



Historical Fiction

Date Published: August 28, 2024

Publisher: Universum Press


All families have their secrets. How far will they go to keep them hidden?


Savannah Schaeffer believed she was protecting her daughter by keeping the dark truths of their family’s secrets. Now, facing her imminent mortality, Savannah realizes her efforts may have caused more harm than good. With little time to waste, she finds a way to work around her inability to speak the truth. She prepares a scavenger hunt to reveal the secrets of her past that she had withheld from her daughter, Chloe.

The scavenger hunt will lead Chloe to two explosive journals—her great-grandmother’s and her grandfather’s—to reveal how intergenerational trauma impacted Savannah’s life and why she kept it secret. Chloe also has plans for the final week of her mother's life. She has promised to honor her mother's wish for a peaceful passing.

A palliative care physician, Chloe is ready from a medical standpoint but feels unprepared personally. She has called off her engagement at her mother's request and is now second-guessing her decision. She also wants to understand her mother's choice never to marry.


Making Up Stories: A Novel tells the story of family secrets and explores a mother's and daughter's desire to break free from intergenerational trauma. It's a story about their love for each other and the sacrifices they're willing to make for each other. Complex characters and situations raise profound, sometimes unanswerable questions about family, life's gray areas, and the promise of hope.

About the Author

Susan has had many successful careers in philanthropy, public relations and education, but when she wrote the book, Peace in the Puzzle: Becoming Your Intended Self, she found her true purpose. Utilizing the material in her book and her personal experience, she is passionate about supporting both individuals and groups become who they were born to be.

Susan’s coaching is tailored to each person’s unique needs, and each group presentation is crafted to align with the interests and needs of each specific audience.

Through compelling stories, she engages individuals and groups by taking them through her journey to find purpose, shares the tools she developed and encourages them to do the same.


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RABT Book Tours & PR

PROMO: The Dance




Date Published: September 8, 2024



The Dance is a gripping memoir that chronicles one man's harrowing journey through the depths of medical and emotional adversity, emerging on the other side with newfound strength and hope. Set against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic, the author's life is turned upside down when he is diagnosed with Central Pontine Myelinolysis (CPM) after battling alcohol withdrawal. Paralyzed, trapped in his own body, and unable to communicate, he faces unimaginable challenges—both physical and emotional.

With raw honesty, the author recounts his time in the hospital, sharing deeply personal experiences of fear, isolation, and the surreal hallucinations that offered him a strange escape. His story is punctuated by moments of humor, such as the unlikely companionship of a loud, cocaine-loving Irish roommate, and moments of deep introspection as he navigates his darkest days.

But The Dance is more than a tale of suffering—it's a story of survival, resilience, and the unyielding human spirit. As the author slowly regains his abilities through painstaking rehabilitation, he draws strength from his faith, his love for his son, and a simple but powerful promise: to one day dance with the woman he loves.

A testament to the power of hope, love, and faith, The Dance is an inspiring reminder that even in our darkest moments, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.

About the Author

Frank J. Visosky Jr. is a passionate storyteller and resilient survivor, drawing inspiration from his personal journey of overcoming central pontine myelinolysis and navigating life in a nursing home during the COVID-19 pandemic. With a deep connection to his roots in New York City, Frank's experiences are richly colored by his love for music, especially the vibrant rhythms of merengue and bachata, which he once danced to along Dyckman Street. A devoted husband and father, he made a promise to his future wife, Rose, during his recovery—a promise to one day dance again. His work captures the strength of the human spirit, the power of love, and the importance of family, often reflecting the cherished moments he spent with his son, like feeding


turtles by the pond.


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RABT Book Tours & PR

PROMO: The Parent's Launch Code



Loving and Letting Go of Our Adult Children



Date Published: September 17, 2024

Publisher: MindStir Media



Is your child ready to launch into adulthood, or are they stuck on the runway?


Today, more young adults than ever are struggling to achieve independence. Over fifty percent of 18-29-year-olds are still living at home, and an alarming number leave home and cut ties with their parents. But what if there was a way to help your child become self-sufficient and independent while maintaining a strong, loving bond with you?

In this book, the author, a seasoned expert in the field, provides a comprehensive guide to achieving a successful launch. You'll learn the importance of practicing unconditional love to secure the relationship, even when fear, anxiety, guilt, or resentment threaten to block it. Through love and five other powerful practices-strengthening your relationship, apologizing, forgiving, showing backbone, and saying goodbye-you'll gain the tools and insights to support your child's journey to responsible independence.

Empower yourself with the knowledge to let go while sustaining a caring connection with your adult child. It's time to prepare for a launch that truly soars.


Launch Code is a beacon of wisdom and compassion for parents navigating the complexities of supporting grown-up children. With its reassuring tone and practical guidance, this book offers invaluable strategies for fostering open communication, setting healthy boundaries, and navigating the delicate balance between support and independence. Each chapter is packed with actionable advice and exercises, ensuring readers can apply the insights gained to their situations. With its blend of empathy and practicality, Launch Code is an indispensable companion for any parent seeking guidance and reassurance in supporting their adult children, offering a comforting hand through the ups and downs of this transformative journey.

Joshua Coleman, Ph.D. Author, Rules of Estrangement: Why Adult Children Cut Ties and How to Heal the Conflict


I have had the pleasure of following Jack Stoltzfus and his books on parenting over the years. Jack's latest book, the Parents Launch Code: Loving and Letting Go of Our Adult Children, addresses the precarious period when children prepare to launchinto adulthood. His approach - the combination of unconditional love with "backbone" -- captures the meaning behind "tough love," a phrase I used to describe what I learned in the '60s working with young people on the streets of Harlem. Love and backbone are the formula for the difficult and necessary balance between compassion and resolve that parenting with integrity requires. This is an essential book for parents whose children are entering adulthood. "

Bill Milliken

Founder and Vice Chair, Communities in Schools

Author of Tough Love, The Last Drop Out, and From the Rearview Mirror


About the Author

Dr. Jack Stoltzfus, a unique blend of author, clinical psychologist, and America’s Launch Coach®, has a mission to guide parents through the challenging process of launching their young adult children. His writings reflect his experiences with young adult challenges, his current role as a parent of three adult children, and his extensive work with parents in the delicate balance of love and backbone during the letting-go process. Dr. Stoltzfus is a trusted resource for parents with a PhD from the University of Wisconsin and over thirty-five years of experience in various mental health and substance abuse settings. His popular website is


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