
Thursday, September 12, 2024

PROMO: The Cats' Museum



Children's Books / Cats



The Cats' Museum - Mom’s Choice Awards® Recipient!




Catherine the Great, in 1766, recruited stray cats to protect her beloved Hermitage Museum from rodents. Generations later, to this day, cats are still working there, protecting the artwork and doing their zany mischief…tune in for a splash of fun!

Award-winning author Viviana Falleti has a new book out The Cats’ Museum. This spunky, historically-based book contains illustrations from the world-famous artist, Victoria Fomina. Victoria has just recently won an international award for the illustrations in this book. Publishers Weekly / Booklife and Kirkus have given The Cats’ Museum great reviews, and it has received the Mom’s Choice Award.

Just for your info, this is a high-quality, hardcover, oversized book (11” x 10.5”). This larger size makes the exquisitely-detailed illustrations even more beautiful.

Little Feather Press is becoming the go-to place for the parent who is “hungry for wholesome.” Happy reading!


About the Author

Viviana Maria Falleti is a woman of faith, an insightful children’s storyteller, a lover of all things cats, and an aficionado of splendidly-illustrated books. She aims to produce only the highest quality books, containing wholesome and engaging stories every child is sure to love. The talented world-famous artists she employs bring her wondrous books to life even more.

Viviana created Little Feather Press for the parent who is ‘hungry for wholesome’. Every book ordered from Little Feather Press can be presented to a child with the assurance that the child’s innocence and the beauty of childhood are respected. The stories entertain in the magical world of a child’s mind, without any corrupting influences.

In her childhood in Germany, Viviana would never tire of listening to storybooks that her mother lovingly read to her. She draws inspiration from those memories.

Viviana was born in Germany but has lived most of her adult life in America. She has a lovely daughter Ashley and son-in-law Brent, two wonderful nieces Maria and Maria Luisa, and a suave Italian husband Gino. Her current residence is in Southwest Florida.


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RABT Book Tours & PR

Blog Tour: Laughing is Forever



Date Published: March 22, 2024

Publisher: MindStir Media


Laughing is Forever is my second book. And while it’s gritty, rhythmic, dark and dangerous it’s also fun, quirky, and inquisitive. Topics range from growing up in the Deep South to questioning the mainstream narrative of how it all . . . came to be. I want people who don’t read much and who hate poetry (the largest demographic) to give this collection a chance and fall in love with books by reading something that they can relate to and/or be awed by. Laughing is Forever is a standalone book, a brand-new beast, but follows in the footsteps of Blameforest in the sense that it’s reinventing what poetry can be. And hopefully inspiring folks to take risks with their own work and stand out from the maddening crowd.


Reviews for Laughing is Forever


"These are the kind of tattered, beautiful poems I often search for and rarely find-the ones that explain, 'Just be happy with a beer after work. You know, quit all the complaining. It won't change a single thing. It just prolongs the suffering.' "

-Sean Thomas Dougherty, author of Death Prefers the Minor Keys


"Stocks's writing has a powerful immediacy, and his poems are packed with both profanity and pop-culture references . . ."

-Kirkus Reviews


"This collection is brave, unflinching and hits you like a punch in the jaw. It is at times brutal and vicious but also tender and intelligent. I was reminded of early Eminem in the poignant anger of some of the poems."

-Sam Szanto, author of If No One Speaks


I can only hope

and pray, that my armpits are dry

and smell nice for such an occasion.

—from “My Father’s Ghost”

The day delves into autumn.

Four days before August

And summer break are over,

And we all have to go back to school.

—from “The Replacement (for Lloyd Pye)”

She never knew I perceived it

and by god, I never needed her to.

—from “Thanksgiving in Lima”

I’m not trying to make a statement

men were made to hurt.

—from “Brighter Day”

About the Author

Jason Stocks is a writer and teacher living in south Florida. Before becoming a teacher, he worked in a chicken house, washed dishes, bagged groceries, waited tables, and sold cars. His first full-length poetry collection--Blameforest--was published in 2021 and was recently named a finalist in the 2024 American Legacy Book Awards for contemporary poetry. When not writing, he enjoys reading vintage YA horror, riding his Haro cruiser, and spending time with the family.


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Wednesday, September 11, 2024

PROMO: Big Tex



Adult Picture Book

Date Published: July 22, 2024


This satirical tale disguised as a children's book follows an aspiring drag queen with dreams of dazzling stages and glittered wigs eager to shine in a world determined to hold him back.

Convinced that the tough buckaroos in the neighboring town of Ruff Ridge, known for their rugged cowboy way of life and home to the clothing brand Ruff Ryder, will hinder his glamorous ambitions, he devises an ingenious plan to win their acceptance. With courage, creativity, and a pair of chaps, he embarks on a journey to turn his dreams into reality.

Inspired by real events, this clever, funny, and heartwarming tale explores identity, ambition, and community. The story celebrates individuality, courage, and the transformative power of being true to oneself, all while providing a thought-provoking reflection on the politics of our times.

About the Author

Roger Rittenhouse is a former stand-up comedian originally from Denver, Colorado who began his career in the 80s, appearing on The Arsenio Hall Show, The Dennis Miller Show, and Jimmy Kimmel Live. Notable writing credits include Bill Maher's Politically Incorrect and the Comedy Central Roasts. An armchair cartoonist turned author and illustrator, (after finding a digital drawing tablet on Craigslist) Roger brings his comedic antics to picture books intended for big boys and girls.


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RABT Book Tours & PR

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

PROMO: Soundtrack of a Misfit



Adventures in ADD & Addiction



This is a coming-of-age saga that highlights the perils and peaks of living with misdiagnosed ADHD, learning disabilities, dysfunctional family dynamics and rock and roll. It's equal parts funny and frenetic. The author weaves in the way she documents periods of her life through eclectic music, as she takes you along with her on bittersweet, misadventures. Get lost everywhere (GPS wasn't a thing yet), including in Jamaica, Israel, and Canada and learn what it's like to grow up missing social cues, not getting sarcasm, misplacing and replacing entire wardrobes, and navigating life smart but spacey.

About the Author

Rachel Wills is a Licensed Professional Counselor who specializes in working with adults with ADHD and co-occurring disorders. After living on both coasts' multiple times, she returned to her home state of Maryland and set down roots. She's active in her local long-term recovery community, synagogue and neighborhood. However, she used to admittedly, be 'all over the place' and couldn't choose just one profession and stick with it if her life depended on it, which it did. Ms. Wills was told by a child psychologist that the severity of her 'minimal brain dysfunction' (now commonly referred to as ADHD) would preclude her going to college. Yet, she completed two vastly different graduate school programs (the first while backpacking throughout the country and living in a consensus-based community).

Her constant sense of feeling 'different' and 'other-than' which once led her to abuse substances and job hop became her greatest asset - empathy. Today, Ms. Wills is proud to call herself a wildflower among orderly roses. She's still not the most organized but is fervent about helping others learn to become their own best advocate and embrace themselves for who they are.


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RABT Book Tours & PR

PROMO: Blues Jam


Fiction / Coming of Age

Date Published: June 10, 2024


A young woman battles loss and addiction growing up in Saint Paul and finds her way to live her dream of becoming a Blues drummer.


About the Author

Stephen was born and raised in Henderson, NY. He moved to Saint Paul, MN to attend Hamline University. After working a variety of jobs, he began a career as a computer programmer. An interest in writing words preceded his interest in writing code.


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RABT Book Tours & PR

PROMO: Treasure Hunting in the Underworld



A Guide for Healing and Claiming What's Yours


Self-help, personal development, psychology, spirituality, trauma healing

Date Published: August 5, 2024



Everything you want: all the riches of the world, the depth, beauty, the fun.

Everything you want is in the underworld of your psyche.

This is where our capacity to experience lives.

Yet, most of us barely know what is happening in our own mind and are at least a little terrified of who we might really be.

Just as our wishes and dreams live in the underworld of our psyche, so do our worst fears, the things we desperately want to run from. This is the treasure.

Our traumas, patterns, addictions, seedy desires, and repressed memories once welcomed and transformed by the light of our consciousness give us our greatest power, creativity, and magnetism.

This is your guidebook to your underworld that you might claim everything that you are.

About the Author

Lillian is a co-founder of Mindlight and the Mindlight Institute, which has trained thousands of people to integrate trauma. She has been studying and practicing the healing arts since she was a child. She was a volunteer for the Stress Project that helped veterans heal from PTSD, has led trainings for Google Vitality Labs and SXSW.


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Blog Tour: Cayman Conundrum


Liz Adams Mystery Series, Book 4

Cozy Mystery

Date Published: 06-28-2024

Publisher: Wild Hawk Press


Sun-kissed sands and sinister secrets. A honeymoon in paradise turns perilous in this riveting seaside mystery.

A tropical vacation transforms into a web of danger and deception when an author and his manuscript vanish. Is his thriller about money laundering in the Caribbean too close to the truth?

With the stakes high and time ticking, Private Investigator Liz Adams and her new husband, Brad, along with their truth-sniffing Labrador, Duke, partner with the local authorities to unravel a multitude of crimes. As they search for clues, the newlyweds explore the delights of the island, including a hunt for buried treasure.

Will they unearth the clues in time, or will the honeymoon end in heartbreak? Set against the backdrop of the stunning island of Grand Cayman, this cozy mystery will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.


The sand had settled from the storm, and the surface was crystal clear. Not a single cloud drifted overhead, and gulls soared in the sky before diving into the sea for a catch.

“OK,” I replied with more enthusiasm than I felt. We donned our snorkeling gear and slipped into the sea.

As we swam around the sunken ship, my mind started to whirl. Did Tim have a boat? Maybe when he got home, he’d ventured out to assess the storm’s damage and had encountered trouble. Those thoughts drifted away as a school of angelfish swam past an eel. A green sea turtle paddled past the hull of the sunken ship. Coral swayed in the current, and a lionfish’s mane of spines created brief marks along the sandy floor. Ziggy motioned that it was time to return to shore, and we followed him back on board.

About the Author

Stacy Wilder writes mysteries, children’s stories, short stories, and poetry. Her mission is to deliver a delightful story to readers of all ages while benefiting a larger community. She donates a portion of the proceeds from the sales of her books to causes that help the homeless, both people and pets.

Beyond writing, Stacy is deeply devoted to her faith, family, and her beloved Labradors. She is also enthusiastic about the causes she supports, the beauty of art, the serenity of the beach, and the joy of reading.

She and her husband live in Houston, TX with a totally spoiled Labrador named Eve.


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RABT Book Tours & PR

Blog Tour: Songs for the Deaf



Speculative Fiction


Songs for the Deaf is a wonderful story with the unforgettable presence of Miles Curtin, the protagonist. Following his bombshell discovery, the tug-of-war within his soul creates the kind of depth and literary richness that is one of the hallmarks I look for in great writing. Mariel Hemingway, Oscar-nominated actress, author, and granddaughter of Ernest Hemingway






She sits with him while he bathes, fusses over him, towels him down, and helps him into his deluxe hotel bathrobe. It isn’t until then that she realizes what a terrible funk he is in. She inches closer, until her lips are close enough to his face for her to feel the static. “Look, darling, we’re way out there on a limb together. If you can’t talk to me now, when will you be ready to talk to me?”

“Why don’t we table it? We’ve got the rest of our lives to discuss it,” he replies.

“Was that a proposal?!” She practically jumps out of her skin.

“I’m not really sure, but it sure as hell sounded like one. Why don’t you ask me again in the morning?”

She is still a little giddy, but to bed it is.


As Scarlett O’Hara famously said in Gone with the Wind, “Tomorrow is another day.” Only the sword cuts both ways.

He’s already spoken to her, and she’s reacted the way he expected her to. There they are in their bedroom suite, trading barbs over breakfast.

“Last night you were ready to marry me and this morning you’re ready to fire me? Which one is it?” She is having trouble keeping her voice down.

His voice, however, still sounds sleepy, but it goes a good deal deeper than that. “I’m only trying to protect you.”

“Fuck you, Sir Galahad! Don’t you think I already know that?”

“I had no right bringing you into this.” He pushes his plate aside, signaling he is ready to have it out.

“Did you think I was twiddling my thumbs during my Washington days? I was public enemy number one to a few of the worst polluters in America. They weren’t exactly playing footsie either.”

“It’s different.” He is quick to shrug it off. “They were polluting streams for a living. Murdering people wasn’t part of their job description.”

“They sure had me fooled.” She continues to make a case for herself, but not without plenty of pushback from him.

“I wouldn’t even put them in the same ring with Titan. Different weight class altogether.”

“That’s how much you know,” she pauses. “They were right up there on the NGA list.” As they transition from a row to a squabble, they continue to sip their coffee.

“What the hell is the NGA list?”

“Nastiest Guys in America.” The hint of a smile has crept into her face.

“You’re just making it up as you go along. Are you braindead or something? You might already have a target on your back.”

“I tell you what,” she says, “how about if I become your research assistant?”

He has his fingers clasped together with both elbows on the table. “I’m waiting.”

Puppy love between adults can be a goofy but beautiful thing, even when they’re arguing, and they both begin to recognize it for what it has become.

“Well, I’m waiting,” he repeats.

“First of all, a research assistant has to know everything.”

“You never know when to let go, do you?” If there’s such a thing as a forced frown, it is staring her right in the face. “Only don’t come crying to me if our paths happen to cross in heaven.”

“No problem there. I’ll just make believe I don’t even know you.”

“I hope you know what you’ve done.” Before she has a chance to answer, he is leaning over her back with his arms wrapped around her. “You’ve actually managed to turn my mood around.” He whispers in her ear. “I just hope you know what you’re doing.” He finally releases her. “This isn’t a game, you know.”

“Of course it is. The game of life.” She manhandles him with a playful but aggressive kiss.

They go back to the bedroom and get undressed. The Library of Congress will have to wait.

About the Author

Ken Silver discontinued his education for two years to pursue a career in fashion design. He then worked his way through law school designing clothing for a French fashion house and was ultimately admitted to the New York Bar, but continued to work as a fashion designer, fabric designer, and colorist.

He went on to design and build a chain of clothing stores in Canada that featured his own exclusive designs. Following his return to the States, Mr. Silver spearheaded the design and concept planning as an active partner in large-scale mixed use real estate projects in and around NYC. While doing so, he exhibited his photography in venues throughout the US, including solo shows in the gallery districts of Manhattan, East Hampton, Beverly Hills, and Carmel.

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RABT Book Tours & PR

Monday, September 9, 2024

PROMO: The Bookshop Ladies



Women's Fiction

Date Published: 09-10-2024

Publisher: Aria Fiction



Bestselling Irish writer, Faith Hogan, has created another gripping saga of friendship, betrayal and secrets in this story of a widow in search of answers to a shocking confession by her dying husband.


Joy Blackwood has no idea why her French art dealer husband has left a valuable painting to a woman called Robyn Tessier in Ballycove, a small town on the west coast of Ireland, but she is determined to find out.

She arrives in Ballycove to find that Robyn runs a rather chaotic and unprofitable bookshop. She is shy, suffering from unrequited love for dashing Kian, and badly in need of advice on how to make the bookshop successful.

As Joy becomes entangled in the daily dramas of Ballycove, uncovering the secrets behind her husband's painting grows increasingly challenging. When she finally musters the courage to confront the truth, her revelation sends shockwaves through the tight-knit community she's grown to love.


About the Author

Faith Hogan is an award-winning, million copy best selling author. She is a USA Today Bestseller, Irish Times Top Ten and an Amazon UK Number 1 Best Selling writer of ten contemporary fiction novels. Her books have featured as Book Club Favorites, Net Galley Hot Reads and Summer Must Reads. She writes grown up women's fiction which is unashamedly uplifting, feel-good and inspiring.

Her new summer read The Bookshop Ladies is out in June 2024 and it's a great big welcome back to Ballycove for her readers.

She writes twisty contemporary crime fiction as Geraldine Hogan.

She lives in the west of Ireland with her family and their Labrador named Penny.


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RABT Book Tours & PR

PROMO: Scattershot


 My Journey from the Projects to Paris to Rodeo Drive


Date to Published: September 10, 2024

Publisher: Acorn Publishing


Larry Chrysler’s life takes a dramatic turn when a chance encounter with a mysterious stranger disrupts his day. From that moment, the son of a bipolar mom and a homophobic dad decides he must follow his heart and forge his own path to success if he is to achieve his fashion design dreams. Armed with only a high school diploma and “angels on his shoulders,” Larry befriends wayward princesses, dresses A-list actors and rock music royalty, and embarks on jet-setting adventures his younger self hardly could have imagined.

Scattershot: My Journey from the Projects to Paris to Rodeo Drive tells the unforgettable story of a Jewish gay boy who leaves the oppressiveness of the Minneapolis projects to pursue a glamorous career in design among elite fashion circles in America and Europe. At times funny, wise, and heartfelt, this is a story of coming out during the repressive 1950s and of eventually finding true love. In this wryly candid and inspirational memoir, Larry proves that no dream is impossible with a little daring and panache—and, of course, a fabulous wardrobe.

About the Author

Larry Chrysler was raised in the bi-racial projects of 1930s Minneapolis before pursuing a career as a dress designer in New York and Los Angeles. He eventually established himself as a distinguished menswear clothier on the iconic Rodeo Drive. Currently, Larry lives in Beverly Hills with his husband Matthew. Scattershot: My Journey from the Projects to Paris to Rodeo Drive is his first book.


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Facebook: Larry Chrysler 


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