
Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Blog Tour: Life in the Fast Lane


Nonfiction / Weight-Loss

Publisher: Blue Sails Publishing Ltd


Taking charge of your health is not as easy as just buying this book. However, this book will provide you with necessary information to take that first step. Changing your lifestyle will take time, resilience, and mental strength. Taking your health seriously is the first step, confessing to yourself that you need to change.

There is always something we can alter now to benefit our future. Learn all there is to know about intermittent fasting and keto, as well as the complexity of your body’s ability to gain or lose weight and what that entails. Meaning, all your questions about weight will be answered; why do we gain weight, what influences it, how to stay motivated and transition into a healthier lifestyle? In addition, this covers the dangers of obesity, and how it affects your body in ways you wouldn’t consider.

Set yourself up for success by ignoring outdated get-thin-quick schemes and changing your perspective on health and the importance of self-love. In other words, learn to love yourself as you are, and not as you think you should be.




Before technology abolished food insecurity for the majority of the world population, having excess fat was seen as desirable since it represented wealth. Even doctors were supportive of extra weight for health purposes and medical beliefs.

Obesity was declared a national epidemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) back in 1997 and rates are still on the rise even though world hunger remains a concern.

Cue the crash diet culture. Yo-yo dieting has been a thing since being fat was no longer seen as attractive after doctors eventually discovered that being overweight can be detrimental to your health.

However, the start of work culture and needing a 9-5 day job to provide for your family made it impossible to prioritize a healthy lifestyle. Instead, we went with what was popularized by the media.

This was also the start of an era where a tall, slim model was being displayed on every magazine cover and the contents promised you that if you just drink kale juice and snorted protein powder, you too can achieve this unrealistic figure.

Although diet culture is still alive and thriving, at least there is t more information out there that explains all the intricate reasons for weight gain and the science behind losing it. Though most people simply don’t have the time or patience to change their whole life around, it’s inconvenient and not to mention largely unattainable.

The best chance you have at success is making subtle changes when possible and adapting gradually to these changes to fit in with your routine and lifestyle will ensure you still achieve results.

In this book we will be exploring the how, the what, and the why you should and can make a difference with breakthrough, scientifically backed-up ways to lose weight and improve your health one step at a time.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past 15 years, chances are you’ve heard of the latest weight loss trends such as intermittent fasting and keto. But does it really work and is it safe?

Fasting is a part of human history. During the Stone Age, food was not readily available, meals were far and few between, and a lot of the time our ancestors went days without eating a proper meal. Greek philosophers, Plato and Aristotle, also backed up this theory, claiming that fasting greatly enhanced their mental acuity.

A few religions also call for ritualistic fasting as a way to purify the soul and erase sins. Fasting was also believed to be a form of gratitude and sacrifice to the gods since religious scriptures claim that gods will reward fasting.

Everyone practices fasting to an extent. Fasting is just not eating, so by default, you fast 8-12 hours every day whether you intend to or not. Unfortunately, the benefits of fasting only start after a minimum of 14 hours. Although time can vary between person-toperson and a lot of factors also affect the time it takes for your body to deplete glucose sources and start using fat for fuel.

Intermittent fasting in the 21st century is all about integrating it into your daily routine to seamlessly fit into your lifestyle. The better it fits into your schedule, the easier it is to stick to. Consistency is key, but failing is human.

The ketogenic diet has also been around for centuries. Though it was originally used to treat epilepsy in the early ’90s and only became popular in the mainstream for its weight loss benefits at the start of the 21st century.

It can be used in conjunction with intermittent fasting to accelerate weight loss results. It supplements fasting so well since it contributes to the effect that fasting has on metabolism. Both intermittent fasting and the keto diet puts the body into ketosis, which will be explained in greater detail later on.

Intermittent fasting is not just a diet, it is a lifestyle. One that can help you take back control of your life. It’s a great way to practice self-discipline and control. When you can control when and what you eat, the rest of your life follows. It’s easy to blame the chaos of life for our shortcomings, but our health and happiness are our responsibility.

Ask yourself, what has led me astray? Bad choices, bad habits, bad influences, or all of the above?

Whatever it is, it’s fixable. Once you know what obstacles stand between you and your goal, you can start working on overcoming them. It will take time, effort, and an extreme amount of dedication, but if you do not do it, no one else will.

Many external factors influence your lifestyle, for example, the way you were raised, where you grew up, and even your community. Let’s say growing up your parents were workaholics, so there was rarely a healthy, balanced meal placed in front of you, or you were dropped off at school because you lived in a neighborhood where walking or riding a bike was too dangerous.

These experiences follow you into adulthood and now you don’t put any effort into diet or exercise because as a child the importance of staying healthy was not made a priority.

You don’t exercise because you were never really an active person and don’t realize how crucial it is.

By continuing to follow this lifestyle that was imposed onto you, you are stripping away your right to a happy and healthy life. Obesity severely impacts the quality of life and mental health. It might not feel like what you’re eating or doing will make a difference, but why wouldn’t it?

“You are what you eat” sounds like a cliche until you realize it makes sense. Your body takes what you give it and simply has to make do. You are putting junk into your body and expecting to feel like the picture of health.

 It might not have been your fault for adopting this lifestyle, but it is your responsibility to decide whether or not you want to change it. And you can’t blame anyone for your decisions.

About the Author

 Peter Vickers 29, Originally from Calgary Alberta has always enjoyed expressing his creativity in many different ways. Only in the last few years has he decided to use writing as a creative outlet. Having his fair share of hardship Peter is no stranger to negative thoughts emotions and hopes that his books may help others to lead a healthy happy life using the tips that helped him. Peter enjoys Hiking, camping and being outdoors and now lives in the beautiful okanagan where he continues to write and explore with his 3 year old lab husky mix.


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